Tuesday, February 09, 2010

This is the life

I was trying to get Cody ready for school this morning. He's not such a morning person, so getting him out of bed can be a challenge on some mornings. This morning was one of those days. I finally had to threaten him. Either he got out of bed, or he didn't get to go to school. (I, for one, would have chosen to stay in bed but Cody loves school and hates the weekends when he doesn't have it! Weirdo!)

I got him dressed and I was in the middle of putting his shoes on when he laid down on his back, with his hands behind his head and said, "this is the life!"

Well, I guess for him it is! I bet it's nice having someone dress you while you lie comfortably on the floor not doing a thing!

Guess who will be dressing himself tomorrow??

At least he can cook his own breakfast...

1 comment:

Kelly@TearingUpHouses said...

Hilarious! I don't have any children, but I swear when i look down at my dogs napping at 11 am in the morning, they'd say the exact same thing if they could...
