Friday, February 19, 2010

The Wicked Witch

I have a new title to my name. I guess "mom" just doesn't cut it anymore.

A few days ago, I got a zit on my cheek. It is definitely not the first zit I have ever had but it is, by far, one of the biggest and most painful. I even had to cover it up with a band-aid so I would stop messing with it. The more oils I put on it, the worse it got.

While I understand this is probably too much information, it is necessary in order to understand the humiliation I went though when I dropped the kids off at school the other day.

I pulled up in the parent drop off line and while the kids were getting out, one of teachers came to say hi to Jake, one of Ty's friends who I take to school. She asked him who I was and being the little jokester he is said, "oh, she's our taxi driver". Now, had that statement been the only one made, I would have laughed and moved on with my life. However, my very obnoxious charming son said, "She's not a taxi driver, she's the wicked witch. She even has the ugly wart and all!"

Like I said...pure humiliation!

Five is not looking like an age this one will live to see...

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