Wednesday, February 03, 2010

They're finally going back to school!

I understand I should enjoy these extra days I have with my children. I should be excited they have a day off of school because that's more time I can spend with them.

I also should have dinner ready for my husband when he gets home from work and his newspaper waiting for him to read but that's not going to happen! Times change, kids get on your nerves. It's not like when they're home in the summer and we can plan fun things to keep them busy. You can't plan anything for snow days because 1) you're not sure if they're out of school until the day of or the night before and 2) it's too damn cold!

We survived though and I can breathe a little because they all go back today! Not sure for how long though because another system is coming through but let's just pray it stays above freezing. My kids want to go to school. They NEED to go to school. OK, I NEED them to go to school just to get us back on schedule again. Even though I still have four kids running around here when all the other kids I watch are in school, it's still calmer.

I'm not a monster, I do enjoy my children very much. You all have to realize though, when we have snow days, it's not just my little bunch of kids at home. I watch kids so when they don't have school, they're here. They are all great kids but any kid stuck in the house for a given period of time will get on your nerves.

And they kept multiplying! I am not kidding you!! Yesterday I ended up with 7 older kids and three younger kids here! Two of the kids I normally watch were not even here because their parents are teachers. If you're not good at math, that's 10 kids with nothing to do! And a husband with nothing to do, which is worse!

So what did they do? They played the Wii. That is the awesome babysitter I am!! I let them play video games all day! Desperate times call for desperate measures. Plus, I was playing the Wii with them. Have you ever played Mario Bro? Addictive!!

TJ did give me a break yesterday and took the seven older ones to the movies while I put the three younger ones down for a nap! 2 1/2 hours of pure bliss. It was quiet and I was happy!

I better get off the computer and go make breakfast before school. Maybe I am a little sad. Maybe I'll be a little lonely today.

Yeah right, I wont have to share the Wii with anyone and I can have Mario all to myself! 1 hour and 18 minutes until schools starts!!!

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