Yesterday afternoon, Cody wasn't feeling well at all. Those lovely things we call allergies are going to be the death of me. I do feel bad for my son. I have no idea what he goes through because I have never had a problem with allergies. However, I did get the pleasure of listening to him whine all afternoon. I know it's not his fault but there was only so much I could take.
Our afternoon went a little like this:
First, he wanted chocolate milk...I poured him some in his cup. But wait, that wasn't the cup he wanted. (silly me, I should have read his mind). I got his Lightening McQueen cup out, double checked that was the one he wanted, then poured the milk in. He took one sip then decided he wanted juice. I tried to reason with him, telling him to finish his milk then I would be happy to get him some juice. And then it happened, he looked up at me with his puffy, red eyes...put his hands together at his chest and said, "please mommy, pwetty please".
I poured him his juice.
(in yet ANOTHER cup because I was not about to waste perfectly good milk that I was sure he would want in a matter of 10 minutes).
Three minutes later, I found him putting his juice cup in the fridge and pulling out his milk. (Like I didn't know THAT was going to happen).
After the drink issue was settled, he wanted to watch T.V. I put on his favorite channel, Noggin. But oh no, he didn't want to watch that today. So, I put on Sprout. Ah, that was better. But then I walked away so of course he decided Sprout wasn't good enough and now preferred Noggin.
He now had his milk, his blankey and Noggin to watch. I now thought I was set. Cody was settled, Cade was taking a nap so I got the bright idea to work on their scrapbooks.
Bad idea.
Once everything was pulled out, Cody decided he was hungry. I fixed him lunch and got him all situated then proceeded to do their scrapbooks. Cody then decided, after two bites, he didn't want dinosaur chicken nuggets anymore, he wanted a peanut butter sandwich. I politely told him, I didn't care that he was sick, he was going to eat the chicken nuggets he wanted to begin with. Now he wanted his Daddy. By this time, I wanted him to have his daddy, too.
Daddy wasn't home, he was watching football with his friends.
Once Cody saw the look on my face, he decided chicken nuggets were EXACTLY what he wanted and ate them all.
Good Boy.
After that, Cade woke up and demanded my attention so the whole scrapbook idea never panned out.
However, Cody decided not to test me again and the rest of the afternoon was a breeze. I did find him lying on our dog, Sammy while he was watching T.V.
I guess if he can't have his daddy, the dog will always work.

Daddy, Doggie - what's the difference, right? LOL! Glad you put your foot down and that Cody abides by "the look!"
Seriously! Sounds like my day. I feel your pain girl!!!! But my dog bites, so my girls are just out of luck when Daddy's not home.
In response to your comment on my blog: I grew up in Houston. The climate is very similar here in FL, but I think Houston might get a little tad bit cooler. Not much. Winter here was pretty much in the 80's every day.
I'm very bitter and angry that somewhere in the country, people get to enjoy all the cute winter clothes that are hanging in the store windows at the mall right now. I went to Gymboree to find picture clothes for my girls last week and was HARD PRESSED to find anything short sleeved. But it's still in the 90's here.
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