and I'm not talking about Cade (because who knows when he'll ever get a tooth, he might walk before a tooth breaks through).
Ty lost a top front tooth this weekend. He has already lost the two bottom ones but it's the top one that makes him talk funny! He is VERY proud about losing his tooth. His mommy pulled it out with a string but he is making me mention that she just pulled it, she didn't tie the other end to a door or anything.
TJ had gone up to Ty's school a couple weeks ago to do a little Chemistry presentation for Ty's class (he made slime with all the little first graders) and he said it was so funny to see all of them running around with missing teeth.
Ty and Laney showing off the holes in their mouths

Ty's wearing his Tae Kwon Do uniform, he gets tested tomorrow for his next belt!

Ty's wearing his Tae Kwon Do uniform, he gets tested tomorrow for his next belt!
1 comment:
Isn't it cute to see them losing their teeth? I get to see it first-hand in my class all the time. Although it's kind of yucky, they sure are proud of their "holes". Ty is looking very handsome and grown up these days. Good luck on the belt Ty!!
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