Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I know I'm horrible, but it's just too funny!

When we were at my brother's for dinner the other night, my niece, Ashley put on her Halloween Cat mask and ears. As long as she was standing up and walking around, Cody was fine with the costume. The minute she got down on her hands and knees, he started screaming and would go running the other way.

My little brother said I was a horrible person for letting Ashley scare him like that. I have no idea why he's so shocked, we used to do horrible things to him and my little sister, Chandler growing up. This was nothing compared to the things they had to endure!

I might be horrible, but it's pretty funny!

If you listen closely, you can hear T.J. telling us to stop! What a party pooper!

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Lisa said...

I'm reporting you to CPS!

No... really though it was sort of funny. Grace is super afraid of Santa or anyone in costumes so I don't know how she will do for Halloween!

Pam Roberts said...

Ashley Dawn, that's enough...haha!

Tasha said...

This totally made me laugh myself out of my chair... too funny! And yeah, I remember what you guys used to do so he's getting off EASY!