Tonight Jen and I took Cody and Laney to Storybook Forest at Arcadia Lake. It was really cool, not just for the kids, but for me too!
They had it set up where you go through these huge wooden doors (they were styrofoam but looked like wooden doors) and it opened up to Storybook Land. Each little station represented a different storybook like Hansel and Gretel, The Three Little Pigs, The Sword in the Stone, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, etc.
The kids got to go trick-or-treating at all the different stories. It was set up in the woods so when it got dark, they had all the trees and path ways lit up.
Cody at the Third Little Pig's house

Knock, Knock anyone home?

My little spider with the NOT so Itsy Bitsy Spider

Look, it's Pinocchio
(for some reason, Cody closes his eyes every time I try to take a picture so the majority of these pictures have his eyes closed!)

The kids got to go trick-or-treating at all the different stories. It was set up in the woods so when it got dark, they had all the trees and path ways lit up.
Cody at the Third Little Pig's house

Knock, Knock anyone home?

My little spider with the NOT so Itsy Bitsy Spider

Look, it's Pinocchio
(for some reason, Cody closes his eyes every time I try to take a picture so the majority of these pictures have his eyes closed!)

When you were finished with Storybook Land you came out to an open field where they had six different fire circles going. You were able to purchase hot dogs and s'mores packs so you can roast your own dinner and dessert over an open flame. Cody LOVED this part. I really loved it too until I looked down and there was a HUGE spider crawling on my leg and I don't mean Cody. I screamed like a little girl and had the wonderful privilege of everyone turning to stare at me!
Cookin' their hot dogs
(it didn't seem this smokey when we were there)

It's S'more Time


Cookin' their hot dogs
(it didn't seem this smokey when we were there)

It's S'more Time


After we ate, they had TONS of games for the kids to play. Bean bag tosses, Fishing for prizes, tattoo stations, ball toss, it goes on and on.
Getting his Tattoo

Getting his Tattoo

Then once we were able to pry the children away from the games, we climbed on a tractor hay ride through the campgrounds. Cody looked up at the sky and said, "whoa mommy, look at all da stars."
On the Hay Ride
(I swear he has eyes, my camera just sucks)
On the Hay Ride
(I swear he has eyes, my camera just sucks)

I really wish I had heard about this place earlier so I would have been able to take all the kids. McKinly was very upset that she couldn't go but her and Ty's mom wanted them home tonight because it was their soon to be Step-dad's birthday. I will definitely have to take them next year!
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