My little brother's girlfriend turned 19 yesterday! We wanted her to have a special birthday since she doesn't have any family up here. She goes to Oklahoma Christian University here with my brother but all her family lives in Houston where most of my family lives.
My sister-in-law, Liz and my nieces decorated their house and made her an angel food cake with sparkly icing. They even got her a "birthday princess" crown to wear.
We made sure she had a great birthday dinner by ordering her Chinese food with her favorite Hot and Sour soup. Liz actually ordered a bunch extra so she could take some soup back to the dorms with her. I tell ya, my sister-in-law is the bestest sister-in-law EVER! (And it has nothing to do with the fact none of my other brothers are married).
T.J. made her some lettuce wraps to go along with the Chinese food. It didn't matter that it was her birthday, T.J. put her to work peeling the lettuce leafs.
Cody LOVES Chinese food
After dinner, we played a little family game of Volleyball. I have a huge family so don't think they were small teams. We had 6 players on each team. Oh, and it was just my family, my brother's family, plus my little brother Jon and Jillian. You can only imagine what it's like when ALL my siblings and their families get together. Let's just say, we could probably have a weekend tournament and still not get to play every team.
I forgot to take a group shot of everyone playing but here's McKinly serving the ball.
I forgot to take a group shot of everyone playing but here's McKinly serving the ball.
Cade reffing the game. He's drinkin' on the job!
After dinner it was cake and present time!
McKinly made Jilli a special card
Chelsi, Keli, and Ashley with the birthday girl
McKinly and Ty wanted their turn with Jilli bean
Jillian even got a glow in the dark wand!

We hope you had a great birthday Jillian! We all had a lot of fun celebrating with you!
We hope you had a great birthday Jillian! We all had a lot of fun celebrating with you!
Happy Birthday Jillian!
Ah! that was so sweet! Thanks for making my Jilli feel so special on her birthday. We missed being there and seeing her and all of you.
You guys are the best!! Thanks for making my sister have a great birthday!
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