Cody and Cade still are having trouble with their allergies but it looks like they're feeling a little better.
Cody's face is still all red and in some spots, starting to bleed. I have tried everything and I think I'm going to have to take him to the doctor to get some type of steroid's the only thing I think will work.
He is just so tired and his face has got to hurt him
Cade is still clingy but not near as cranky. He will go play by himself now but still wants to make sure you're in his sight.
Cade can sleep anywhere! I guess that is what happens when you have 4 kiddos! :)
Grace use to have BAD eczema on her face and we used a steriod too... worked wonders. Aquaphor is pretty good for the over the counter, but its a bit greezy. Hope he starts feeling better soon!
Poor babies!
And that pic of Cade sleeping...priceless!!!
Their faces sure did look great in Texas. Guess I can call the moving vans for you!
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