Every Sunday, T.J. puts on his Chicago Bears jersey and puts Cody in one of the many jerseys he has bought him, it all depends on who's playing that day. Well, the Green Bay Packers were playing the Minnesota Vikings so T.J. put him in his Favre jersey. Cody was playing around, not paying much attention to the T.V. when all of the sudden they show a close up of Favre.
Cody starts jumping up and down and says, "daddy, dats me. He looks like me. He has a number 4 on his shirt like me!"

He was SOOO excited! He watched the rest of the game (which is very hard to do for a two year old) and would point out every time Brett Favre came on the screen.
The funny thing is, I didn't even know he knew the number 4!! Damn T.V.!! And people say T.V. doesn't teach kids anything! Well, those people don't let their kids watch Noggin or PBS because those channels have taught my son more than I ever could.
He knows half the letters in the alphabet too. We were sitting on the couch the other day, I was wearing my Texas A&M sweatshirt, and he started telling me where the "A" was, where the "X" was and where the "T" was!! Either I don't pay enough attention to my son (which I highly doubt because it's impossible not to pay attention to a little two year old running around your house) or there is way more information stored in that little brain of his than I know about!
T.J. and Cody watch college football every Saturday and the NFL every Sunday. Even though the Packers are huge rivals to the Bears, T.J. does allow Cody to have the Favre jersey because he seems like the type of guy you just can't hate! Plus, Cody has enough Bear's jerseys to make up for it!

1 comment:
Maybe I should just put all my low students in front of the tv. They may as well get in from somewhere! What great football memories Cody will have with his Daddy!
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