Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home Sweet...

well, let's just say we're back. We have actually been back since Sunday night but things have been a little crazy around here.

As soon as we got back to Oklahoma, the boys both got sick again. I'm telling you, they're allergic to this state. I'm not kidding with you, the second we crossed over to Oklahoma the boys started coughing and getting all snotty. Cody's face is all red and sore and Cade has snot coming out of his nose by the gallons. Not pleasant especially when I'm trying to finish up all the laundry and all they want to do is hang all over me. Cade is back on breathing treatments for the time being and is pretty cranky.

Cody was feeling well enough to kill a cricket for me today though. I hate those things, I'm not scared of them, just sick of them! They are everywhere and I can't get rid of them. I thought they would GO AWAY when it started getting cold, but oh no...I think they're here to torture me!

Cody was excited to kill the nasty beast.

Poor little Cade, he's not feeling well at all

Things are starting to get back to normal and we're getting back into the swing of things. McKinly and Ty were excited to have us home. Ty had a little accident over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I'll take of picture of him and tell the story later, Cade is driving me crazy needing my attention right now!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we loved ours!

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1 comment:

Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Ahhhh, no fun! We are SURPRISINGLY healthy. Shockingly, I should say. Lexi has severe allergies and asthma and I was certain that cold Texas air would put her on albuterol, but it didn't. She did great! Cold fronts used to always set her asthma into a tail spin. Fortunately we don't have that problem in Florida. (Or unfortunately, not sure which!)

Everyone around us is sick. The flu and hand/foot/mouth disease have all gone around the church nursery and I'm not sure why they haven't gotten it. We don't eat healthy or take vitamins! Hey, maybe that's the key!

Hope the boys get to feeling better soon! Screw the laundry...just love on your babies for a while. Everyone wants their Momma when they're sick!