Cade sometimes finds the strangest ways to drink his bottle.
Here he is lying down, face first, on the living room floor.
Here he is lying down, face first, on the living room floor.

He's just lounging on the couch here but the bottle was sitting beside him, he moved it between his legs himself. I guess it must have been in his way or something!

We are leaving for Houston tomorrow!!!! I get to spend 10 days down there! I don't think I could be any more excited than I am right now. Well, I take that back, the only thing that would be better is if T.J. was going to be there the whole time with us. However, he still has to work next Monday and Tuesday so the boys and I are traveling down there by ourselves. T.J. will come down Tuesday with my little brother.
I wish McKinly and Ty could come with us but they'll be with their mom for Thanksgiving because we're taking them to Chicago for Christmas. McKinly is pretty upset by this. She REALLY wanted to go down there with us. I wish she could go but I do have to share them with their mom. I don't know who's more upset, me or McKinly??
Yay!!!!!!!!!! You're coming to Texas!!!!!!
Have an awesome Thanksgiving in the Lone Star State! I'm headed there myself....WHOOP!
Going to see my Aggies get "whooped" too!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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