Cade is still clingy but not near as cranky. He will go play by himself now but still wants to make sure you're in his sight.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Feeling a little better, just not quite 100%
Cade is still clingy but not near as cranky. He will go play by himself now but still wants to make sure you're in his sight.
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 9:25 PM 3 comments
Ty's face meets the concrete
This picture doesn't show it justice. It was a lot worse but he was tough about it. He had been hiding in the truck and tried to jump out of it before his friend tagged him.
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Home Sweet...
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we loved ours!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 11:43 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Our time has almost run out!
My little Christmas Cade
Look at him go
I think Cade enjoyed the boxes more than the actual presents
After the boys opened their presents, we made the mistake of going to the mall on Black Friday. We didn't buy anything but T.J. and Cody had fun playing in the Apple Store.
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Look at all that food!
Uncle Jonathan and Auntie Tracy
Uncle Mikey and Cade.
Since we were going to be around a lot of people who have never met Cade, I decided to put him in his name shirt I got from Stephanie. It was great because no one needed to ask me what his name was and for those who should have known his name, didn't feel uncomfortable because they had forgotten it.
Cody was so good today. He played really well with all the kids, was very polite, and was just a good boy all around. He even let me take endless pictures of him without putting up a fight!
Cade even got to play with a little girl who lives down the street from Grandma and Grandpa.
Uncle Jonathan, Tiffany, Cade and Heartly.
After all the food, we decided to get a little back scratch train going. I think I got the raw end of the deal. No one to scratch my back. Cade sure got it easy though, he didn't have to scratch anyone's back.
Cade with great-grandpa O.J. Can you believe my Grandpa will be 80 in a month?? He looks no where near that old!
Uncle Jonathan and Wanda
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Day Four!
We went and had lunch with Uncle Claydough at his school today. The boys really had fun and Uncle Clay liked showing all his friends his nephews.
Cody at the lunch table
Uncle Clay with Cody and Cade
After lunch, the boys and I went back to my mom's house to take a little nap so we could stay up and wait for Daddy and Uncle Jonathan to get here.
While we were waiting, Cody had fun playing with his Nana
Cade didn't last long and went to sleep way before Daddy showed up but not before hitting his head on the tile floor. Poor little guy, he was just trying to follow his brother around and slipped and bumped his head!!
Cody was so excited when his daddy got here. T.J. called when they were close so I took Cody outside to wait for him. When T.J. pulled up, Cody ran as fast as he could go and gave him a big hug around the neck and wouldn't let go! That little man sure loves his daddy!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Day Three!
The boys and I woke up this morning around 9 a.m. We got dressed and went to have lunch with Nana. The boys got to meet some of my old teachers because Nana teaches at the Junior High I went to.
After we visited with the teachers for a while we took Aunt Chandler to Dance and then headed to Auntie Tracy and Uncle Mikey's for dinner.
Cade crawling on the driveway, he thought he could hang with the big kids
Maybe tomorrow will be a little slower, I won't count on it though. We're having too much fun, we'll have plenty of time to sleep when we go back to Oklahoma! T.J. will be here tomorrow night and we can't wait. We've had a lot of fun but it's just not the same without daddy here!!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Day Two in The Wood Hood
oh wait, I lost my camera so until I find it, I don't have this picture. I'll have to keep using my mom's camera until I either find it or convince my husband I need a new one.
Shelby and Cade
Uncle Brent and Cade playing pass the binky
Cody and Meghan UNDER the table
Aunt Leslie, Shelby and Cody playing in puddles in the parking lot
Tomorrow should be a little slower because all the kids are in school and everyone is back to work for the short week. We are going to eat lunch at school with Nana tomorrow. The boys will get to see what it's like to be in Junior High!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Day One in The Woodlands
This morning we woke up and got ready to go see Aunt Chandler cheer at her high school playoff game. The football team ended up losing 42-59 but the boys were a huge hit in the stands with their matching College Park High School Cavaliers shirts Stephanie made them for the game!
Cody in his College Park shirt.
Cade modeling his shirt
Cody acting silly
Aunt Chandler and Cade were both warn out after the game
We're having a lot of fun other than the fact when we got up this morning I noticed I had a flat tire. I drove over a nail when I ran to the grocery store last night but I'm just thankful it happened after we got here rather than on the freeway last night. I do have to admit, it would have been quite comical watching me change a tire on the side of I-45 with a two year old and 8 month old helping me out.
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 11:04 PM 2 comments