Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Potty Training

When we didn't end up going to Chicago for Christmas because of the thick ice caked on the interstate and the 14" of snow we had in our yard, I decided my break couldn't get anymore chaotic so I decided to give potty training a try.

Not for me...for Cade!

He has always had an issue with using the toilet because of his GI problems. Every time we sat him on the "potty" before it was because we had just given him medicine to help him go to the bathroom. He always associated the "potty" with pain.

Poor little guy, he was terrified of the thing!

We started on the Tuesday after Christmas and by Thursday, we were out of the house running errands in "big boy underwear". He has done fantastic. Once he understood what he was supposed to do, there have not been any problems.

Of course we still have an accident from time to time, but for the most part, we can say he's potty trained. He only wears a diaper at nap time and bed time and even then, he wakes up dry...for the most part. He will be three in February and I knew he was ready, he just had to get over his fear of the bathroom!!

Here he is, playing video games while he waits...

oh, and Cole has even been trying to go potty. Every time he walks in the bathroom he says "potty" and sits on the little one. He even knows to "push it down" so pee doesn't go everywhere! The joys of boys...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Way to go, Cade! Charlotte mastered some potty skills over the holidays, too. We haven't mastered poop yet, though, or staying dry while sleeping.