Sunday, January 24, 2010

No longer a fan of Cocoa Krispies

So this morning I was cleaning up after breakfast and when I got to Cole's seat (the most disgusting, stickiest place at the table) I decided it was time to scrape off the dry, crusty food that had been stuck to his chair a week, a few days, since that morning. (because I would never leave food stuck to his chair after he eats...who does that?)

There were a few pieces of food that were clinging to the chair for dear life and the only way to remove them was with my fingernail. Bad idea! When I scraped a Cocoa Krispie off his chair, it lodged itself completely under my finger nail. I could see it, and definitely feel it. I started feeling sick right away. It was disgusting. If you have ever had a splinter under your nail, you understand the pain I was in. Except, this was thicker, and sugary, and I kept thinking it was definitely going to get infected.

I had to lie down. My head was spinning and I felt nauseous. I actually handle pain pretty well, so that just shows how bad this hurt. I tried to dig under my nail to get it out. I was getting little pieces to break away but there was no way I could get under there far enough to get the whole thing out. After a few minutes of lying there and coming to terms with the fact I was going to lose my fingernail in just a few days (no drama queen here), I realized cereal gets soggy when wet. So, I ran my finger under some water, while pulling my nail back as far as possible, and after a few minutes, it became soggy enough for me to push out of my nail.

I learned a few lessons today. First, don't leave cereal stuck to the baby's seat for long periods of time (I don't even know the last time the kids ate Cocoa Krispies. I'm not sure Cole has even ever had Cocoa Krispies. He's a Cheerios kind of guy). Second, quickly run water under my nail if this does happen again. And Third, never buy Cocoa Krispies again...just to be on the safe side.

Oh the things I do for these little guys...

and the big ones too! Just wait till I get the post together about the neighborhood drama that involves me standing in front of a very large man asking him to please not hit a girl!

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