Saturday, January 16, 2010

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!

Cody and his daddy are very close. Only recently (and I mean very recently) has he begun choosing me over him at times. For the most part though, he's a huge daddy's boy. It's no secret. I learned to accept that long ago.

However, what I still have not learned to accept (and I'm pretty sure I never will) is the fact Cody and his Daddy act the same age! It is like I am raising 6 children, 4 boys full time!

If my calculations are correct, their mentality level means I am raising four boys under the age of five!

Those numbers are NOT in my favor!

I break up fights on a daily basis. Someone is touching, looking at, smelling, hitting another child at all times. You name it, I've dealt with it. I thought I had seen and heard everything.

Apparently, I was wrong!

Tonight in the car, Cody started whining. It was the aggravated whine that he usually does when he's extremely tired. I started to get on to him for acting that way when I suddenly realized what (in this case who) was making him act that way.

Cody: "Daddy won't stop touching me"

TJ: "I'm not touching you, I'm staring at you"

Cody: "Well it's weird, and you smell funny"

TJ: "I don't smell funny, you smell funny"

Cody: "Mommy, Daddy wont leave me alone"

TJ: "He's being a baby, I'm not doing anything to him, I'm not even touching him"

Cody: "You don't have to be touching me to bother me"

TJ: "You're being a little rude, don't you think?"

Cody: "You're being a little rude"

Me: "OH.MY.GOD. If the two of you don't stop, I am going to pull over and you both can walk home!!!!!!!"

TJ: "Mommy's mean!"

Cody: "yeah!"

What?? When did I become the bad guy in all of this?? Seriously,!!!!!

*after we got home, they both got sent to bed. If he acts like a five year old, he will be treated as a five year old!*

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