Friday, January 15, 2010

Crazy days of...well, everyday!

Everyday in our household is some form of crazy! At any given time, we have between 5 and 10 kids running around here.

Trust me, it's not that big of a house to be running around in.

Our friends who come over know it's pointless to ring the doorbell. It's faster, and easier, to just walk in. Half the time, we probably can't even hear the doorbell. Anyone who rings the bell is selling something or is not a good enough friend to know to just walk in. Therefore, we probably don't want to be talking to you anyway!

Yesterday, my Jehovah Witness lady (who comes at least once a month to show me something new or to just check up on me and I'm too nice of a person to tell her we're not interested. She's a nice lady who knows all of my kids' names. I can at least talk to her for 5 minutes every few months, right?) came and knocked on our door (she knows not to ring the doorbell because it's usually nap time when she comes over). The thing is, I didn't know she knocked on the door because I was trying to get six kids ready for nap time. When I finally did answer the door, she said she heard I was busy, so she just waited until things settled down. She was out there for FIFTEEN minutes!

Who does that?

My bigger question is, what did she hear??

From the outside listening in, some of the things said around here must get people laughing...or ready to call Child Protective Services , depending on how you interpret the meaning.

Because of this, I started thinking of some of the things that I say on any given, crazy day...

"Cade, it is not ok to give Cole the whole tube of toothpaste. I don't care if he wanted it, it's not healthy for him. No, his tummy will not be clean if he eats it."

"If one more person screams in this house I am going to lose my mind" Cody: "well, you better start looking for it because it sounds like you've already lost it."

"Please don't let that be poop on the floor, Please don't let that be poop on the floor!" Cade: "Nope, it's jus a bwonie." My bigger problem is how he figured that out, did he taste it? What if it had been poop...I don't want to know!

"Cade, we don't go poop in our underwear, we go poop on the potty." Cade: "but I already go poop on da potty." Me: "no, you went poop in your underwear." Cade: "not last night" Me: "you are supposed to go poop on the potty every time." Cade: "but I already did" Me: "no, you went poop in your underwear." Cade: "not last night." ...and it went on and on and on!

Cody: "Mommy, mommy, I know who the first president of the United States was." Me: "who?" Cody: "George Washington." Me: "Great job, Cody. Do you know who the 16th president was?" Cody: "yep" Me: "Who?" Cody: "ABERSTEIN LINCOLN!"

Me: "I am missing the pig's butt, does anyone know where the pig's butt is?" Cody: "do we get a dollar if we find the pig's butt?" Me: "sure, whatever, just find the butt please" Cody: "in that case, here it is"...little schemer!! (and for those confused, it's the leapfrog refrigerator animals I was looking for).

These are just from the last couple of days! Don't you worry, there will be plenty more!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I can't believe that lady would wait that long! Shoot if I don't hear someone trying to get to the door within a minute I leave. That's weird. Maybe you should just tell her you aren't interested?

ps... I can't even imagine the craziness. With 2 its crazy enough!!