It all started last Monday when McKinly called me from school to come pick her up because she wasn't feeling well. She wasn't running a fever but just felt awful. By that night, she was burning up! McKinly has been with her mom through all this because they didn't want me or the two little ones getting sick. McKinly has been running a fever for 9 days straight now and we still can't see the end in sight. She woke up screaming last night of an earache and her mom took her to the doctor to find out she also has a bad ear infection!
I wish I could say that having her away all this time spared us from the flu bug, but that wasn't the case. Last night Cade had a 103.1 fever and it has yet to go away. This morning I had to call the doctor because his fever got up to 104.5.

The poor baby is miserable. He just sits there looking pitiful and there is nothing I can do. I am keeping liquids in him and trying to alternate between Motrin and Tylenol to keep the fever down but the only relief he has had is 101.7!

The poor baby is miserable. He just sits there looking pitiful and there is nothing I can do. I am keeping liquids in him and trying to alternate between Motrin and Tylenol to keep the fever down but the only relief he has had is 101.7!
I hate when any of my kids are sick but it's so much harder when the babies are sick because he can't tell me what's wrong. This is only the first day, if it's anything like McKinly's then we have another eight days of this at least!!!

Ahhh, that is so pathetic. Poor baby! Hate that dern flu! Hasn't poked his head around here...yet.
The flu stinks. It hit Aunt Pammy hard, and I can't imagine being that miserable as a baby. Poor thing!
I LOVED catching up but I hate to see that the sickies are going around! Oh no! Feel better, everyone!
Poor little guy. I hope he's feeling better really soon...and bring on spring!!!
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