My big guy is turning 3!
It really doesn't seem like three years ago I was getting ready to head to the hospital to have Cody! I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea what to expect. I was just a naive 23 year old who had no idea what she was getting herself into.
Little did I know, he was going to be the best thing to ever happen to me!
He is my little man. He is the one I talk to during the day when everyone else is at school or work, he's the one I play with, make jokes with, and best of all cuddle with when the babies go down for their nap!
He is my little man. He is the one I talk to during the day when everyone else is at school or work, he's the one I play with, make jokes with, and best of all cuddle with when the babies go down for their nap!
He is getting way too big though! If I call him baby he is quick to correct me, "I'm a big boy, mama"
Today he had his first t-ball practice. We got his uniform (all but the red shirt) and when I tried it on him tonight, I realized just how big my baby really is!!

Happy Birthday Big Guy, I love you more than you'll ever know!
(you can slow down a little though and not grow up so fast)
(you can slow down a little though and not grow up so fast)
Happy Birthday Big Boy! Maybe my little girl will decide to come today and you can share a birthday! (I'm due in 4 days!)
Happy Birthday Cody! Aunt Pammy loves you very much, and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
So you have 2 birthdays close together too huh? Lexi-March 25 and Ashton-March 26. I met a lady the other day who had all 3 of her children on the same birthday, years apart. I think that has to be a record.
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