Happy 7 Month Birthday, Cade!!
I really can't believe he is 7 months old already. Time has flown by way too fast. He really is a terrific baby. He's happy the majority of the time. You can just look at him and he'll start cracking up! He is so fun to be around. (except for at this very moment because he's teething and he's very grumpy)
When I was pregnant with him, I was a little afraid I wouldn't feel the same way about him as I did Cody because I had already gone through all this before, it wasn't new anymore. Cade proved that little theory wrong. Not a day goes by that I don't look at both my boys and have to remind myself they're really mine!
That also might have to do with the fact they really don't look a thing like me. Especially Cody who is a spitting image of his father and doesn't have a single gene from me. Cade looks a little more like my side of the family, but the older he gets, the more he looks like Cody. Which means he will eventually look just like his dad as well and I will have to convince people they truly are mine. Trust me, I was there...I KNOW they are mine!!!
Anyway, Happy 7 months, Cade.

He is SO handsome! You have every right to be a very proud momma!
I can attest to the fact that Cade really is yours because I was there. I'll have to check with Tasha about Cody, though. Happy Birhtday Cade!
He is such a cutie pie!!
We are going to the OSU game, but I don't think we will make it down for any others... bummer though b/c it would be fun to meet a fellow blogger!!! Better get crackin' on what game to go to b/c there aren't many home games left.
Such a cutie pie! And I think Cade looks a lot like your side!! Time is going by too fast... sigh!
Happy Birthday sweet boy!
And enjoy the newborn Baby Gap...I wanted that outfit for my boys but they don't make it big enough. The 0-12M Baby Gap clothes are SO much cuter than the bigger sizes!
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