We have had a rough couple nights, more like couple weeks. Cade is teething and not sleeping well at all. Which translates to me not being a very fun person to be around at times. I think last night was by far the worst. Cade woke up every two hours crying and nothing would help except to just let him cry himself back to sleep. Normally, that would be fine except as long as he's crying, I'm still awake.
I understand teething is not fun for him either, and I guess I can't complain too much because during the day, he's a pretty happy baby. However, starting around 11:00 p.m., the teething problems begin.
He was more clingy than usual today which made it hard to get anything done. So, wherever and whenever Cade fell asleep, we just left him and made sure nothing, or no one, bothered him!!
He was more clingy than usual today which made it hard to get anything done. So, wherever and whenever Cade fell asleep, we just left him and made sure nothing, or no one, bothered him!!
His morning nap

His afternoon nap

Hey, in desperate times, we take what we can get!
on a side note, we were next to him the whole time he was sleeping on the couch and he could breathe perfectly fine...in case you were wondering!
on a side note, we were next to him the whole time he was sleeping on the couch and he could breathe perfectly fine...in case you were wondering!
A sleeping baby can be priceless! I hope your nights get better soon.
LOL!!! Those are priceless pics.. keep them around for his wedding one day!
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