My mom has been in town this week and every where we have gone, I have forgotten my camera! Not so smart I know but we really have had a great time! I love having them here and the kids really enjoy Chandler and Shelby being here too.
I had a day off from the kids I watch today so we decided to head to the pool for a relaxing afternoon. The pool was pretty empty, just us and one other family which is pretty weird considering it is usually really crowded in the afternoons. However, today couldn't have been a better day for it to be empty!
We were all swimming at the pool when we heard this HUGE crash. I stood up ( I was sitting on the side throwing Cody in) and noticed a car coming STRAIGHT at us. I car drove up on the curb and ran through the fence. Luckily, the fence stopped it because if it had even been a little more to the left, it would have gone straight for the fence at the pool. The reason I said it was lucky the pool was empty was because usually a lot of the kids go over and play at the park that the fence protects. It was really scary, but we didn't know just how scary it was until the police showed up and we found out the guy was driving without insurance AND on a suspended licence for driving under the influence (maybe that's why he put a fresh piece of gum in his mouth before he got out of the car). Needless to say, he was arrested and taken to jail. Since my house was the closest, the officer sent me over to get my camera so we could document for the HOA since obviously, the guys insurance wouldn't pay for the damages since he didn't HAVE any insurance!
The car after hitting the fence (yes, that's the idiot who drove through the fence)

See how close to the park it was! Thank God no kids were playing over there at the time.
Geez...sounds like you guys are having a similar week to ours, dodging bullets!!!
Hope you have a CALM weekend!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad everyone is okay! That could have ended VERY badly.
OH MY! Very scary being so close to the park. Glad everyone is okay.
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