OK, so Cody might only be two, but he out-smarted me today! He is going through the terrible two's, learning to manipulate and trying to do whatever it takes to get what he wants by whining and sometimes throwing a fit. We have been trying to stay on top of it by sending him to his room when he acts up or even giving him a little smack on the diaper when he talks back or throws a huge fit.
This morning was not one of his best mornings. The older kids were picking on him and he just started with the whining and the screaming when they wouldn't give him what he wanted. I don't usually say anything because Cody can't have everything he wants and needs to learn how to deal with these things on his own. Today was a different story!
I had enough of his crying and fighting so when he threw a fit because I asked him to pick up his toys, I sent him to his room. He just stood there, told me no and continued to cry. I took a deep breath and told him to go to his room again. He continued to stand there just staring me down. I finally broke and said, "Cody, do you want me to give you a spanking?" (this usually works and he goes running to his room) His response today was, "yes!"
I was speechless. He really told me to go ahead and give him a spanking, he even turned around for me! I had to teach him a lesson by following through with my threat so I smacked him on his diaper. He then turned back around and said, "you finished mommy?" I was still in shock so I just nodded my head. He said, "OK" and then went back to throwing his fit.
It took ALL I had in me not to start laughing in front of him. I can't believe he was smart enough to just take the spanking (that he knows doesn't really hurt) so he could continue doing what he was doing. What am I to do now, my two year old has taken away the one punishment most kids are afraid of. I wish he didn't learn these things at such a young age! He out-smarted me and now I'm the one thinking about my actions and what I will do next.
This is Cody only a year ago, what happened to my baby boy who would do anything his mommy wanted? Why do they have to grow up so fast?
This is Cody only a year ago, what happened to my baby boy who would do anything his mommy wanted? Why do they have to grow up so fast?

thats soooo funny where did he learn that lol lol well see you soon
I know for a fact, I NEVER acted that way...haha
Try taking his most favorite things away. Next time he throws a fit, take a favorite toy and tell him why you are putting it away. Put it away for a day or so, and after he's pitching fits and losing all his toys, he may learn the consequence. But... I've never had kids of my own, so who knows!
LOL - what a stinker! I agree with Pam, find something else that is a punishment to him so he "feels" it a little more next time :-)! Too funny...
I've tried taking toys away but he already figured out a long time ago that there are hundreds of other toys to play with. The only thing of great importance to him is his blankey and I think if I took that away from him there would some anxiety issues. I don't want to mess him up mentally! I think he has learned these things from his older siblings. I think I'll be in more trouble when Cade turns two!
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