Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My Blog's been "Pimped"
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 8:38 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 30, 2007
He got me...again
Cody: "Mommy, you want to play game with me?"
Me: "sure Cody, what do you want to play?"
Cody: "I be Momma, you be Cody"
Me: "OK, so Momma what are you going to make me for dinner?"
Cody: "I dunno" he begins to open up a bottle of coke from the fridge
Me: "No Momma, you can't have that coke!"
Cody: "Don't tell Momma No" He continues opening the bottle and then takes a drink from it..."delicious".
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Welcome to the World little Dugan!

Cade playing with Chris, I don't know who was having more fun

The bad news, Cody liked Daddy's beer. You're supposed to let them taste it so they don't want anymore because it tastes so bad, but in our case, Cody loved it and wanted more. I think we're in big trouble!

We stayed pretty late so Cade was ready to get home and go to bed

Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 8:11 PM 4 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
We're so sad!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 3:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Some people are just REALLY stupid!

Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 11:33 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Playin' It Cool
(the only reason my son is wearing Cubs stuff is because I have to let his father have a say so in what he wears ONCE in a while, not often though)

Cade chillin' with his friend, Brady

Cade takin' a dip, man it was hot out there!

What a Day!!!!

Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 8:35 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Tub Time...again
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 11:52 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
our SUNNY weekend
On Saturday, McKinly actually had golf practice outside! Past weekends it has been either too wet or pouring down rain so any chance they got to go outside was short lived. She really enjoyed it and she's getting pretty good. (she could beat her daddy anytime!)
On Saturday night, we had some friends come over so McKinly, Cody and T.J. made homemade pizza. Ty was at a friend's house so he didn't get to make one but he sure liked tasting the finished product.
McKinly and her master piece.
(remember she had golf practice and went swimming all day so her hair is a little crazy)

Cody rolling out his flour.
(T.J. had already used all the dough so he just put a little flour down for Cody to play with)

On Sunday, we spent the day at the pool. McKinly was at the amusement park all day so she didn't get to go swimming with us.
Cody learning how to swimming with his floaties!
(I know his tube has flowers on it but he was borrowing it from Laney)

He's getting to be a good little swimmer. He can swim around by himself with just his floaties on. We just have to be careful now because he sometimes forgets when he doesn't have them on and goes a little too far in.
Ty is at the age where he doesn't like his picture taken. (that's why there aren't too many of him on here) so this is the only one I could get. I'll keep trying but I make no promises.

Cody pouring water on Daddy

Cade is so good at the swimming pool. The water doesn't bother him and if it's too sunny, he just lounges in the shade. In fact, when he gets tired, he just falls asleep where he is (as long as we have his blankey and Binky).

This weekend will be even more fun because MY MOMMY will be here!!! Which means, Chandler and Shelby are coming too! The kids are really excited so I'm sure we'll have a lot more pictures to post. They're coming for a whole week!!!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 1:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
We have tried numerous times with Ty's hair but unfortunately Ty's hair naturally sticks up in all directions so the fauxhawk doesn't really work on him. We'll just have to stick with the spiked look for Ty-Ty.
Cody was excited about his new look and kept touching it to make sure it was still lookin' good!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 1:05 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
He out-smarted me!
This is Cody only a year ago, what happened to my baby boy who would do anything his mommy wanted? Why do they have to grow up so fast?

Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 1:14 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 08, 2007
My Hero!
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 10:35 PM 6 comments
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Belated 4th of July!
Cody, Cade and Daddy

Cade sleeping on Chelsi at the pool

Cody admiring all his fireworks!

"Mommy, I don't like all these loud noises!"

He felt a little better when I held him

"Watch out Cade, these are going to be LOUD!"

Cody holding a Roman Candle while Uncle Carl holds sparklers! I believe Cody showed him who the bigger man was!

Aunt Lizard's video of Cody telling everyone "Happy 4th!"
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 11:55 AM 3 comments
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Binky and Blankey
Posted by A Perfect Pandemonium at 7:24 PM 1 comments