Day Two: I am Thankful for the new kid's Nike Shox
This might not be something I should be thankful for but let me just explain.
You see, I'm very picky about my kid's clothing (I know, big surprise) and that includes shoes. I'm not real into Velcro once they pass a certain age but it is very difficult trying to teach a three year old how to tie his shoes. When you have many small kids at home who are unable to do things by themselves, getting out the door every morning can be a long and tedious process.
I've been looking for a new pair of tennis shoes for Cody that he can put on himself. However, I don't like the look of tennis shoes that Velcro and I'm pretty much against character shoes so I put myself in a little predicament.
That is, until I found the shoes of all shoes. The best invention Nike has ever come up with.
So, today I present you with the these Nike Shox.

They look like regular Nike Shox

But shhh, there's a secret...

They are a life saver, more of a time saver but you get the point. Cody is able to put them on himself and they look like regular Nike tennis shoes!
For those with kids, or a teacher of young kids who is tired of tying shoes, then you will understand why I am so thankful for these!
If only I could buy those for my students' Christmas gifts this year. Sure would save me a lot of time tying shoes all day long!
Those look fun!
Those are HILARIOUS!!! I love them! :-)
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