that this girl right here...
happens to be
The Best girl in the world?!?
And I'm not saying that just because she's partly mine. Let me just explain what she has done
this week.First of all, she unloaded the dishwasher without me having to ask. She claims it is because there were not enough bowls for the breakfast she was making for all the kids that morning, by herself, but we both know she has done it before and will do it again...because that's just who she is!
Second, she helped all the little kids the other day with their homework. If that weren't enough, when one started having trouble, she made up a little game to help them learn in a different way.
Then on top of all that, Friday night I had to go to her parent/teacher conference and I felt bad sending all five kids to the neighbor's house (TJ was at his school doing parent/teacher conferences) so she said "you're only gone and hour, I'll watch them."
Now, I know she's only ten but she probably takes better care of them than I do :) I wouldn't have let her if Jen and Shawn weren't right down the street. They knew she was home alone with them and she had their number if
anything were to happen. Cole was with them and they would have taken all the others as well, but we think McKinly really wanted to do this. Plus, she
really wanted me to buy her some books at the book fair.
On my way home, she called my phone. I was thinking she was getting a little overwhelmed and wondering when I would be home, but all she wanted was to tell me Ty helped out a lot with Cade and that maybe I should get him a book as well.
This is just who she is...other people come first, she loves her brothers more than anything, she helps out around the house without being asked, we never have to remind her to do her homework and no matter what, she always makes sure everything is fair (unless it's her getting something special, which happens quite a bit, but she makes sure her brothers don't notice so they don't get their feelings hurt).
I am VERY lucky to have her in my life and her brothers adore her...we all do!