Cody, for the most part, is completely potty trained. He still has to wear a diaper at night because he has no control when he sleeps. Other than that, we don't have to worry much about it.
However, the kid HATES to poop on the potty. He will hold it in as long as possible, sometimes up to three to five days, just so he doesn't have to go on the toilet. It's ridiculous. We have tried everything from bribery, to punishment, to just ignoring it...nothing has worked. When we sit him on the toilet and tell him he's not leaving until he poops, he will just sit there and cry until he's done. I know it hurts the poor kid, he holds it in forever!!
I couldn't take it anymore. I know everyone says it just takes time but with this new baby on the way, the last thing I need is to worry about my three year old's stomach exploding because he wont poop.
So, I decided to try the bribery thing again but this time I used something no three year old could refuse...a big bag of chocolate. I'm not talking about giving him one M&M every time he poops, I told him I'd give him the whole bag! I went out and bought a few regular size bags of M&M's, a few bags of Skittles, and even some Reese's pieces.
Now the kid wont stop pooping!
He has gone three times today. He hasn't gone that much in the past two weeks!!
At least he's nice enough and shares his loot with his siblings and I'm sure they're asking him every few minutes if he has to go so they can have candy too but come on...enough is enough!!
The kid is a poop machine!!
I knew he was holding out on me...He was just playing me until he got what he really wanted! He is more like me than I thought!!
But look how happy he is...the complete opposite from just a few days ago! He's also hyped up on candy but we'll just ignore that little detail!

I couldn't take it anymore. I know everyone says it just takes time but with this new baby on the way, the last thing I need is to worry about my three year old's stomach exploding because he wont poop.
So, I decided to try the bribery thing again but this time I used something no three year old could refuse...a big bag of chocolate. I'm not talking about giving him one M&M every time he poops, I told him I'd give him the whole bag! I went out and bought a few regular size bags of M&M's, a few bags of Skittles, and even some Reese's pieces.
Now the kid wont stop pooping!
He has gone three times today. He hasn't gone that much in the past two weeks!!
At least he's nice enough and shares his loot with his siblings and I'm sure they're asking him every few minutes if he has to go so they can have candy too but come on...enough is enough!!
The kid is a poop machine!!
I knew he was holding out on me...He was just playing me until he got what he really wanted! He is more like me than I thought!!
But look how happy he is...the complete opposite from just a few days ago! He's also hyped up on candy but we'll just ignore that little detail!
AWESOME! WAY TO GO for finding something that worked! You're very fortunate!!!! I tried every form of bribery and punishment known to man and nothing worked for my crazy girl!
That's hilarious. I can't wait to see what crazy little stories we'll have with our little ones.
That is TOO funny! Poor little guy!
Now if you can just keep his teeth from falling out, you'll be golden! :-)
LOL! That is hilarious. Shoot, whatever it takes!
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