Cody played his last baseball game last weekend. The team ended up coming in fourth place. The baseball league he plays for had their closing ceremonies at the Triple A Ballpark downtown. All the little kids got to walk on the field and receive either their trophies or medals. Only first through third place received trophies so our team got medals. To three year old boys, that is just as good! After they received their awards, we got to stay and watch the Redhawks play!
Walking on the field
(Cody has the black hat on)

The team after getting their medals


We then went to eat with Tristin's family at Coach's. It's the restaurant that is connected to the ball field so you can still watch the game while you eat!
Cody and Tristin

Can't leave without dessert!

McKinly snagging some

Cade cheering on the Redhawks

Cody feeding his brother some dip n dots

Cody watching the game from the best seat in the park

The best part of the night was that Uncle Clay and Grandma Kathie met us at the game. They were driving to Utah from Houston and stopped to stay the night with us!
Uncle Clay sharing is Popsicle with Cade
(Chelsi playing on the computer in the background)

The kids all had a great time (Ty doesn't like baseball so he didn't want to go to the game, he stayed the night with his Mimi) and all stayed up past midnight. The next day wasn't as fun with a bunch of tired kiddos but it was well worth it.
Congrats on your first season Cody! I've been to Coach's!!!
YEA! Woohoo! I've been behind on my reading but sounds like you guys have been really busy! Give my boys a big hug!
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