This weekend we made our annual trip to Turner Falls. The weather was perfect, the kids were great and T.J. was able to tag along with us this year. He has not been able to go for the past three years so it was a nice treat to have him there.
Ty checking out the rocks in the water

Cade hanging out with Jonathan, his cousin's uncle. My family is very confusing.

Cody tubing down the river. He loved it even though he looks scared in the picture.

Cousin Meghan's turn!

McKinly didn't want Cade missing out on tubing

Cade loved throwing rocks in the water

But he loved being in the water with his daddy even more

I think the watermelon topped everyone's list!

We love getting to hang out with my family all day.
Cody with his cousin, Meghan

I just wish I would have gotten more pictures of McKinly and Ty. They are just at the age where they run off with their cousins and I don't see them unless they need something!
We ended our day with a snow cone and then headed home.
LaVonna sharing her snowcone with Cade

We can't wait till next year when we'll have all five kids with us!
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