Around here, you would think everyday was Father's Day the way my boys look up the their daddy! It's sometimes sickening how much they love him. If only you could see the way they look at him. He is truly their hero!
Not a day goes by that Cody doesn't ask when his daddy is getting home from work. Every time we're away from the house, Cody will say "I sure hope my daddy is home when I get there". If we pull up and his car isn't in the driveway, you can see the disappointment in their eyes.
On the occasions his car is in the driveway, they both start clapping with excitement and Cade bounces up and down in his carseat until I get him out. Cade laughs so hard the second T.J. puts his arms out to pick him up!
It's not that McKinly and Ty don't feel the same way towards their dad, they do, it's just that they are unfortunately used to being away from him since we have to share them with their mommy! Cody and Cade just have this connection with him that I am extremely jealous of at times! However, I do love how close they are. There is nothing like the relationship between a father and his kids!
I made Cody and Cade Father's Day shirts to wear today.
Cody's shirt shows what the front says, Cade's shirt shows the back.

And since it was T.J.'s special day today, I wanted him to have the perfect day. I guess my idea of a perfect day had too many expectations because poor T.J.
did not get a perfect day!
T.J. got up early Father's Day morning, unable to sleep in (that was a first). Cade woke up screaming in pain. His ear seemed to be hurting him yet again and he wouldn't stop crying. Finally, T.J. took him outside to calm him down and that is when Cade proceeded to
puke purple juice all down the front of T.J.'s white shirt!
Once T.J. and Cade got all cleaned up, we loaded all four kids in the car and headed out for brunch. That's all T.J. wanted for Father's Day was a nice brunch with all four kids.
Is that how it turned out?? Of course not!
The kids were great, they were all on their best behavior! However, we went to a restaurant that was having a special Father's Day Brunch menu so what could be wrong with that??
Since they were menu items instead of a buffet (our first sign of a mistake), we had to order our food and wait for it. This normally wouldn't have been a problem but they were under staffed in their kitchen and the food was taking forever. I'm not talking about 20 or 30 minutes here, I'm talking we had been waiting an HOUR and a HALF for our food. We felt bad at first but after a while, it just became ridiculous!! T.J. decided we were not about to pay all that money for a bad experience. So, he left money on the table for our drinks and we left the restaurant...hungry! We then ended up driving through McDonald's for the kids.
Happy freakin' Father's Day!
Cody at the restaurant

Now, if that wasn't enough to ruin his father's day, there were still things to come!
We headed over to my brother's house to help him pack up a few things before the movers arrived. Nothing like putting T.J. to work on his perfect day, right?? Especially having him work out in the garage on the hottest day of the summer so far!
Once we finished up there, T.J. said at least he would get to take the older kids swimming while I stayed with Cade and let him take a nap (it was way past his nap time by now).
I guess swimming wasn't in the cards either because our pool pump broke and the pool had to close for the day! Nothing was working out and I felt horrible for him. He was a great sport about it all though and we did end up having a delicious dinner at a friend's house!
So the day wasn't a total loss and he still got to spend it with all his kids. Too bad it just didn't work out the way we had planned! There is always next year and he'll have five kids by then to celebrate the day with!