There is really nothing to report. Our meteorologists were wrong once again and the 4" of snow we were supposed to be getting turned into not even 4cm of snow. It was pretty while it lasted but there wasn't even enough on the ground to make a snowball let alone a snowman.
The wind chill was horrible though. It was so windy and cold that when you walked outside you literally thought your ears were going to fall off. It was 24 degrees here but the wind chill was below zero. Cody hated the wind and would cry every time he had to walk outside, he wouldn't even look up because he said it hurt his face too bad. What am I going to do with him when we go to Chicago on Friday??
Cade has been a little cranky lately. His stomach has been bothering him the past couple days so he has not been the happy baby we're used to. He did find the ribbons on the Christmas tree this weekend though. He would just touch them gently, never tried to pull them off. This kept him entertained for a solid twenty minutes.

Cody was a big help this weekend so I let him pick out a little something when we were at the store. His choice, a Rudolph nose! He walks around the house singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer over and over. I should also mention, "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" are the ONLY words to the song he knows. I never thought I, of all people, could get sick of a Christmas song. He sure is a cute Rudolph though!

Cade hates wearing hats. Every time I try and put a hat on his head, he just rips it off. That's why it's so funny that he kept his hood on ALL day yesterday. I don't even remember who put it on his head, probably Cody, but there it stayed.

We didn't do much this weekend but it was a good thing. We are leaving Friday for Chicago so I'm sure we'll be pretty busy the whole time we're up there. I'll be spending all week trying to pack and figure out how we're going to get 8 things of luggage, 6 bags of presents, 4 kids, 2 adults and a partridge in a pear tree in the car without having to leave anything or anyone behind!
Cody was a big help this weekend so I let him pick out a little something when we were at the store. His choice, a Rudolph nose! He walks around the house singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer over and over. I should also mention, "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" are the ONLY words to the song he knows. I never thought I, of all people, could get sick of a Christmas song. He sure is a cute Rudolph though!
Cade hates wearing hats. Every time I try and put a hat on his head, he just rips it off. That's why it's so funny that he kept his hood on ALL day yesterday. I don't even remember who put it on his head, probably Cody, but there it stayed.
We didn't do much this weekend but it was a good thing. We are leaving Friday for Chicago so I'm sure we'll be pretty busy the whole time we're up there. I'll be spending all week trying to pack and figure out how we're going to get 8 things of luggage, 6 bags of presents, 4 kids, 2 adults and a partridge in a pear tree in the car without having to leave anything or anyone behind!
Glad you guys didn't get the predicted snow fall! It was super cold here (in the 20's and 30's), but it was the wind also that made if feel so much cooler.
Hope the kids do okay in Chicago. You know they make face masks for kids for snow skiing... maybe you could find one for Cody. Or a really big scarf to cover his face. Poor guy!
Have a safe trip. Oh and I'm sure already know, but check with your airline about wrapping gifts. My brother is flying Delta home and they said to have all gifts not wrapped otherwise they would unwrap them! So you might be wrapping gifts once you get there. No fun!
OMG! You're making me cold just reading this! I nearly froze to death tonight going to the store and I just knew it had to be like 40 degrees. It was 60!!! Talk about acclimation! I'm a true Floridian now I do believe!
I think I misspelled that...
acclamated??? Acclimated???
Oh well. You get the idea!
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