I guess when I was dreaming of a White Christmas, I should have been more specific. We have been hit by a terrible ice storm! Yes, once the ice accumulates on the ground it can look a little like snow but that really wasn't the white I was going for.
The streets are awful. Right now, they have built up over a 1/2 inch of ice on the roads and we're no where near finished. It's freakin' cold out there!
Just to give you a quick preview of what we've been hit by...just today!
a tree in our backyard this morning
an hour later

two hours later

another tree covered in ice
This is in our front yard, look at all the ice on the ground

The good news is school was cancelled today and since the roads were so bad, most parents couldn't get their kids over here so it's like a little extra vacation day for me. I did say most parents because there were a few who decided to drop their kids off anyway.
I don't mind helping friends of ours out and keeping their kids for them, but I just wish they didn't take advantage of the situation. Some of the parents who decided to drop their kids off today didn't even go into work. They risked driving in this terrible weather so they didn't have to be the ones to entertain their own kids all day. They said they wanted to "get things done around the house". They're all friends of ours who have asked me to keep their children since I stay home with ours anyway. I do it to help them out so I charge them next to nothing. If I charged them what everyone else charges then I would understand dropping them off because they're paying for it anyway. However, because I help them out, I guess I just expect them to keep their own kids when they don't have to work. Is that too much to ask??
Just to give you a quick preview of what we've been hit by...just today!
a tree in our backyard this morning
two hours later
another tree covered in ice
The good news is school was cancelled today and since the roads were so bad, most parents couldn't get their kids over here so it's like a little extra vacation day for me. I did say most parents because there were a few who decided to drop their kids off anyway.
I don't mind helping friends of ours out and keeping their kids for them, but I just wish they didn't take advantage of the situation. Some of the parents who decided to drop their kids off today didn't even go into work. They risked driving in this terrible weather so they didn't have to be the ones to entertain their own kids all day. They said they wanted to "get things done around the house". They're all friends of ours who have asked me to keep their children since I stay home with ours anyway. I do it to help them out so I charge them next to nothing. If I charged them what everyone else charges then I would understand dropping them off because they're paying for it anyway. However, because I help them out, I guess I just expect them to keep their own kids when they don't have to work. Is that too much to ask??
Okay, seriously! That is NOT okay...the kid thing. Not right! I would be SO mad!
How many kids do you keep?
I would die! I can barely keep my own two! And for next to nothing???? Even worse!
Interesting news on the weather. Still in the 80's here! Wore shorts and flip flops all day and still sweated. CRAZY!
It was sunny in San Diego today! Can't imagine living through that ice!
You're a saint taking care of other people's kids. I barely have enough patience for my own kids---could never go the child care provider route!!! And I even used to be an elementary school teacher!
Sigh.... I remember one year we had an ice storm and school was canceled for a week and it was exam week. That year pretty much rocked!
Our 'ice warning' turned into rain. OY!
cool pictures of the tree!
I forgot to say... that sucks about the parents taking advantage of you. How many kids do you watch?
I hope you guys are doing okay! All my friends and family have been calling thinking we got ice too. But we didn't get below freezing yesterday... just stayed around 34 or so. I hope that you have power and plenty to eat in the house!
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