All the kids with Papa Bill

It was pretty cold at the Zoo

Ty was a little freaked out when a butterfly landed on him. You can see the butterfly in the bottom corner after Ty shook it off him.

She finally caught one
While we were at the museum, it was snowing like crazy outside. The pretty snow too! The soft, powder kind! I loved it!! However, T.J. didn't love driving in it the next hour to Sheboygan where we are staying right now. We are staying at the Blue Harbor Resort here in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. It has an indoor water park so while it's snowing outside, the kids are in their bathing suits inside!
Ty chillin' on the lily pad

Cody swimming with Daddy

McKinly and part of Ty in the Lazy River

The view of Lake Michigan from our Condo

The cool thing about this resort is every night, at 8 o'clock, all the kids in the hotel get in their pajamas and meet on the Grand Staircase in the main lobby for milk, cookies, and a story. I am an idiot and forgot my camera tonight. Hopefully we'll catch the story tomorrow night as well and I'll be able to take some pictures then.
We have a packed day again tomorrow. I promised the kids I'd build a snowman, a "BIG snowman with REAL snow. None of the crap we get in Oklahoma. Then we're off to the water park!
It sounds like y'all are having a great time. Looks and sounds really cold to me. I'm in Mobile, AL where it's blustery 53 and I am FREEZING! My FL body can't handle it!
My husband says Chicago is his FAVORITE place in the world!!! I want to go there some day. But WE PO!
Sounds like the kids are having a blast! What a neat trip for everyone.
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