Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When the _____ hits the fan

Lately, that's the only place it hasn't hit! I have had my fair share of "dirtiness" the past few weeks. If I never had to clean up "dirty" again, I would be the happiest person alive.

I have no idea what has gotten into my children. The three year old refuses to go on the potty and the one year old's diapers are not staying together. It is ridiculous!

Last week I went to change Cole and realized one of the tabs broke off his diaper. When I went to clean him up, I realized the "dirty" was no longer in his diaper. I had a little bit of hope that maybe, possibly, there wasn't really any in there to begin with. That hope diminished when I saw the smear down his leg where it obviously rolled out.

I searched this house for an hour and could not find it. I couldn't smell it either (which is a shocker coming from that child). I gave up and thought maybe the dog got to it.

Fast forward a week and a half.

I was putting up clothes in my room and noticed a tiny smear mark on my window seat. I thought it was mud at first, but then realized I'm in Oklahoma...that smear mark wasn't red and therefore could not have been mud! Nasty.

I started looking around and guess what I found under my bed?? Yep, the hidden treasure. No idea how that one was not found but it was under TJ's side of the bed and he is oblivious to everything!

Seriously though, the dog doesn't even have accidents in the house!! To make matters worse, that same day, I noticed Connor (one of the kids I watch) had something stuck to the bottom of his foot. Definitely not red mud either! Are you kidding me?

I'm a clean person, I truly am. My boys are clean kids. So why is this happening to me? I have scrubbed this whole house and have not found any more "dirty" and I pray we are done with it.

Oh, I promise it's not like this all the time. Anyone is more than welcome to come stay at my house...just watch where you step!

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