We had an unexpected snow storm hit us yesterday. Luckily it was at the end of spring break and luckily (for me) my family got snowed in so they couldn't travel back to Texas.
Chandler and I made the best of what we had and went and played in the snow.
Who says we have to act like grown ups, right?
Chandler making her snowball.

Yes, she is totally wearing my letter jacket. We didn't know it was going to snow, so she came a little unprepared and found my letter jacket in the closet, so of course that's the one she chose to wear...
Chandler and Me in the snow

Chandler was really excited to make a snow angel

Her angel!

Hey, she's from Houston...they don't get much snow down there!
Chandler and I throwing snowballs at the house. We thought it was funny because it looked like spitwads all over the brick. Like I said, who needs to act like grown ups?
our spitwads...
Aunt Chandler and Cody

Mommy and Cody
Unfortunately, the roads were cleaned up enough for them to leave today :( I sure miss my family!
I'm finally able to upload pictures, but only one at a time. It's taking a very long time but I promise to get the other posts finished...eventually.
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