OK, here's the deal. A few months back on a rainy day, Cody's teacher started reading them
Flat Stanley. He's only in
Pre-K, but they were learning about transportation and she thought it would be fun just to read it to them.
With Cody, you can't just read him something without a million questions to follow. Cody was very into the book so we checked it out at the library and are now on the second one.
I am a little Flat Stanleyed out, but Cody is no where close. He loves the books! What he really loves though, is seeing where Flat Stanley has gone!
See where I'm going with this?
We e-mailed a Flat Stanley that Cody colored to Tasha who lives in China. She was going on some trips and we thought she needed some company.
So far, Stanley has been to Cambodia, Thailand, The Great Wall of China (actually he didn't go but Cody wanted to know if Stanley was there, so we told him he was in her backpack...what can I say, I'm a liar!), Australia, and New Zealand.
Stanley also got to go swimming with marine life since Tasha and Curt were smart enough to laminate him and take him diving with them!

aren't these pictures the coolest?
Well Cody thinks so and he keeps asking where else can Stanley go! So, everyone gets to help out!
All you have to do is send me your e-mail address or address so I can e-mail or mail you a Stanley. You don't have to take him any place special, but it would be cool if you would. It doesn't matter if someone in your state is already taking pictures, the more pictures the better!!! It can be just a picture of Stanley with your kids or a pet if you want or someone famous...that would be cool. We just need to know what City and State the picture was taken.
I am going to make a book out of this when we're through. There is not a time frame so if you're traveling in the next few months and want to take him along, just let me know and we'll be waiting for pictures.
Cody wants to see how many places his Stanley can go. He is super excited and can't wait to start getting pictures back. You just have to e-mail me the pictures and I'll upload them to make the book!
So, who's with me? Anyone is welcome encouraged to participate! Please, would you really say no to this cute, little face?
Plus, we'll repay the favor...we're cool like that!
I will be posting pictures as they come in. Let's all help Cody get the most Stanley pictures EVER!
My e-mail address is ashleyhord@hotmail.com. Let me know where to send it!
If you have a blog, send a link over here or re-post this to help get more photos of Stanley. If you want to forward an e-mail about it, that's cool too. Cody just wants pictures of Stanley "Everywhere in the World!"
Oh and Katy, Cody colored a new one for you because he said Stanley's ninja outfit was too hot for California. He wanted him in some shorts! I need to know if you want me to e-mail it to you or mail him to you.
Ready. Set. Go!