I know I have said this before, but Cade loves his baby brother. There is nothing sweeter than to see Cade reach over and just rub Cole's little head. He never has any specific reason, it's like he's just letting Cole know he's there.
This morning I was reading some e-mails and Cole started getting a little fussy. I was almost finished so I just let him continue fussing because I wasn't going to be too much longer. I glanced over to the couch and saw Cade trying to help the poor little guy out.
But when that didn't work, he tried giving him his bottle.

Maybe it needed a little more shaking up

Let's try it again.

When all else failed, he crawled up on the couch and let me put Cole on his lap.

It's always nice having a big brother to protect you!
Right now, they are all sweet to each other but I know the time is coming when, even though they will be best of buds, they will get in wrestling matches, breaking things of great value to me. I know this because I have older brothers who did the same. Until then, I will cherish this time while they're little and still so sweet!

The boys are SO cute together! You caught some great "brother" moments on film!
Make sure you save those pictures so that when they're beatin each other up in about 14 years, you can remind them of how much they love each other.
Shoot...from the looks of those pics, I'm going to hire Cade as a babysitter when I have kids someday! Too precious. :-)
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