A couple months ago, Cody got a Deep Sea toy set that came with dolphins, whales, sharks, etc. He loves this little play set so much. He can play with it in the bathtub, in his room, or take it along when we're in the car...and he does.
Well, this little play set also came with a little scuba diver. We named him Scuba Steve (like on Big Daddy) and Cody takes him everywhere. When I make him chose only one toy to take along, he usually chooses Scuba Steve.
A few days ago, Cody found Scuba Steve without a head. We don't know where he lost his head and we have yet to find it, but since Cody will not abandon his favorite little toy, he plays with a headless Scuba Steve.
Most would find that a little weird but Cody likes to be fair and according to Cody, "it's not his fault he lost his head".
My sweet little man with his headless friend!

What?? You've never seen a scuba diver without a head??

What?? You've never seen a scuba diver without a head??

That last picture just made me laugh out loud. So silly!
Ha ha ha!
So much pressure! I had to edit out part of Anderson's with the star. This takes time!
Meant part of Anderson's booty, lol!
You guys doing okay?
That last picture is priceless. HA HA. Look at that face. :) Scuba Steve is lucky to have such a good, loyal friend.
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