I am finally getting around to writing about the second part of our trip down to Houston.
After we left my brother's house Thursday morning, we drove to my sister's house where we were going to spend the rest of the trip. It also happened to be my niece's 5th birthday.
That night we celebrated Meghan's birthday at Fajita Jacks. My sister's in-laws were kind enough to treat everyone. (Thanks Dan and Gilda!)
Gilda wouldn't give up holding Cole so Dan helped feed her!

There were about 15 of us there so it got a little crazy. The kids had fun playing around the fountains though.

The next day, we had to start getting ready for Meghan's birthday party on Saturday. She was having a Halloween party so we were making all Halloween themed food.
Our finished products on Saturday:

There were bread bones

Carmel Apple Cupcakes

White chocolate covered Brownie eye balls

Witch's Brooms

...and a few other fun treats.
The kids loved being able to dress up in their Halloween costumes for the party.
Ty was Darth Vader while Andrew was Captain Rex

Cade as the Joker

Meghan was Wonder Woman and Cody Batman

Baby Cole was Robin

Not only did the kiddos get to dress up but Meghan had a bounce house at her party as well.
McKinly being a goofball

Aunt Chandler and Aunt Leslie after their turn

Joker was afraid of it but he had fun playing around it

And Grandpa had fun holding Robin

but that's not saying much because he also had fun playing with Meghan's dolls

McKinly and Aunt Leslie enjoyed (maybe a little too much) attacking Uncle Clay with Silly String

Cole was just happy getting passed around from person to person. But once Tasha got a hold of him, it was hard for anyone else to get him :) She did share...when she had to!

The party was a lot of fun and the kids played for hours. As my brother-in-law put it..."they ate lots of junk and jumped until they couldn't jump anymore, so they jumped some more"
That was completely true because the whole next day, Cody threw up. He woke up not feeling well and when we finally got the car loaded to head back north, he started throwing up and didn't stop the whole trip home! When we finally got to the house he started feeling a little more like himself but it made for an awesome car ride!