Thursday, August 28, 2008

Blocked Tear Duct

Poor baby Cole had to go to his first doctor appointment yesterday and it wasn't for a check up! I woke up yesterday morning and Cole's eye was glued shut with green "gunk". I called and made a doctor appointment knowing what was wrong but hoping they could give him something.

Luckily, the doc came through for us and prescribed some ointment I have to put on his eye six times a day! Poor baby, his eye is all slimy all day long. It makes my eye itch just thinking about it!

It's already better today than it was yesterday but I just hate having to put it in his eye, it just looks so uncomfortable. He's the best baby though and rarely whines, rarely cries, and just sits there happy no matter what! That's my boy!

Don't mind T.J.'s chest in the background, it was just the best picture of Cole's poor little eye!

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Pam Roberts said...

Poor, sweet, baby Cole! Has he been crying too much because I had to leave him?? ;)

Tasha said...

Gosh, he is so precious! I'm so sorry that he has a gunky eye but hopefully it doesn't bother him too much and it will clear up soon!