We all know I was supposed to have Cole on August 15th. We also all know things don't always happen the way we would like them to. So, when Wednesday morning rolled around, I was a little apprehensive about going to the hospital. Not because I was about to go through the whole labor process but because I was afraid to be sent home...again!
I decided to call Labor and Delivery that morning to make sure everything was still on. Much to my excitement, everything was ready and waiting for me to arrive! I grabbed my bag, kissed my sleeping husband good-bye (I wanted to slap him more than kiss him because he was getting to sleep in but I figured I better start the day off right) and at 4:30 am, Jen came to pick me up and we headed to the hospital.
We arrived around 4:50 a.m. and checked in. We kind of looked like a lesbian couple since it was just the two of us so I was sure to point out my husband would be there...eventually!!
The nurse showed us my room and I changed into that adorable hospital gown they provide you. Things tend to take awhile to get started so it was a good hour before the nurse started bringing in all the appropriate stuff. Around 6:15 she administered an IV in my wrist and started giving me fluids. At 6:45 she came in with the good stuff, the stuff that was going to get this show on the road...pitocin!
I started feeling contractions right away, nothing big or painful, but I definitely could feel them. The nurse checked me then, and I was only at a two. It wasn't long before the pain started getting stronger and around 8:45 I was at a four so the doctor went ahead and broke my water. I decided it was time to get my epidural because if I didn't have to be in pain, then why should I??
The anastegologist arrived at 9:00 am. T.J. was still at work at this point so Jen held my hand while he shoved the huge needle in my back. Things seemed to be working but then I started to realize, only my right side was getting numb. My first thought...here we go again! The same thing happened with Cade, it only worked on the right side.
After the doctor messed with the medicine and tube for a while, we figured it just wasn't going to work. He had to run off and do another epidural in another room so he left me with the hopes the medicine would eventually make it to my left side.
By this time, I was at a six and feeling a lot of pain, but only on one side of my body. The doctor came back about thirty minutes later and decided we were going to have to try again. Even though this is what I had already suggested considering it is what we had to do when I was in labor with Cade, I just smiled and said yes sir. T.J. had arrived and was able to hold my hand during my second epidural of the day.
This time, it worked!
Now the nurse checked me and we were at an eight! She was off to call my OB and have him head towards the hospital. It wasn't long before I was at a ten and my nurse was telling me to do everything I could not to push.
My doctor arrived around 11:00 am and we were ready to go. It was just T.J. and Jen in the room with me at this point (Cathy, McKinly and Ty's Mom, had been in the room but once I was ready to push she went to the waiting room. Me and the ex-wife might be close but watching your ex-husband's child be born would be a little on the weird side) so we were ready to push this kid out. Since the anastegologist had to do two epidurals, I had a great deal of medicine in me. I couldn't feel a thing. It was kind of hard because I couldn't even feel pressure which I have always felt with the other two so I knew when to push. This time, I just had to push when the nurse told me to. It took pushing during three different contractions and the baby slid right out. And I do mean slid, it was really that easy.
Once he was out, they placed him on my stomach and we all just starred at him. I don't care how many kids you have, it never gets old looking at your brand new, perfect baby right after they're born. I looked over at Jen and she was crying and I looked at T.J. and he was getting ready to cut the cord!
This next part might be considered "Too Much Information" so if you don't want to read on, then don't :)
When I was in labor with Cody, my OB at the time didn't even check to see if I needed an episiotomy, he just cut me anyway. When I was in labor with Cade, my current OB said he needed to cut me again because he was afraid I was going to "tear" on top of the scar from Cody. This time, however, he didn't feel like I needed to be cut so he tried without it! I did tear a little but not bad at all. I am so glad I didn't have to have another episiotomy because I have been feeling great. I don't hurt near as bad as I did with the other boys!
After baby Cole was born, they cleaned him up a little and everyone came back in the room to hold him and love on him. During this time, they were prepping me for the OR. It was time for me to be wheeled down there to get my tubes tied. I once again came face to face with the anastegologist who administered even more drugs in me.
I remember getting wheeled in the OR and I remember talking to the nurses and my doctor a little but I had so many drugs in me I kept falling asleep. By the time they wheeled me back in my room, I thought a lot of time had passed. When I asked how long I was gone, I was a little surprised to hear T.J. say, "18 minutes"!
I was so numb after the procedure that I still couldn't hold my baby. I was afraid I would drop him. We had plenty of visitors though that were more than willing to hold him for me!
Daddy and Cole

Cody, Cade and Cole
McKinly and Cole

Ty and Cole
Cortney and Cole

Ms. Susan and Cole

Laney with Baby Cole

Aunt Lizard and Cole

Kelsey and Cole

Kyle and Cole

Mr. Shawn, Brady, and Cole

My family might not have been here when Cole was born like we had originally planned, but as you can see, Cole and I didn't end up being alone after all!