I have always believed in "tough love". When my boys get hurt, start fighting or anything along those lines, I'm one to let them work it out on their own. I tell them to shake it off when they fall down or hit their head. The only time I make a big deal out of it is if they're bleeding.
Mostly because I don't want it on my white carpet.
It's worked out well for us, the boys are tougher because of it and I don't have to drop everything the second one slightly bumps his head. Some people don't agree with this parenting strategy (like the lady at Ty's soccer game Friday night who picked Cade up after he bumped his head because I told her he was fine, but I guess she decided he wasn't) but when you have a house full of boys, you have to pick and choose what is worth your attention.
The boys get along really well...when they want to. They look out for one another and they come tell me if the other is hurt. They have grown up knowing what needs my attention and what doesn't.
I love that Cody and Cade are getting older. They are starting to play with the same toys, watch the same shows, and are having a great time hanging out with each other these days. As much as I look forward to all three of them being very close because they are so close in age, I can't help but pray Cole stays a baby for as long as possible.
I have never been one to want time to just stand still. I like the newborn stage but I love when they get old enough to move around and you really can watch them learn and figure new things out. However, I can't say I want that with Cole. I guess because I know he truely is my last baby (unless I'm one of the very few the surgery doesn't work on which wouldn't surprise me knowing our luck) I really do want time to stand still with him. He is just so sweet, so perfect in every way. He is just such a good baby and there is nothing I can really complain about.
One day he will be big like his brothers. He will get in trouble and I will have to discipline him. But for now, I can pretend he will always be this sweet and perfect!
One day he will be big like his brothers. He will get in trouble and I will have to discipline him. But for now, I can pretend he will always be this sweet and perfect!

Aaaw. He does look like a sweetheart. I'll pray for time to stand still also for you guys. I know I'm gonna want the same for our little Jovi.
Oh my goodness... what a super picture. So innocent and sweet!
Tasha has told me time and time again how GREAT of a mother you are and I totally agree with your whole "tough love" parenting philosophy. Kids with tougher skin go a lot further than the "babies." Keep up the great work, girl! :-)
I can't believe how big he is getting! I just showed Kyle the pic and he thinks that Cole looks just like Cade!! Hope you guys are well :).
I heard if you put a brick on their head, they will stay little. Never worked over here, though!
He is too precious! Hate how time flies!
Blair and Kim
It is because he is the last baby. I am the same way with Meghan. She has always been just a wee bit different than the other two- the whole premature thing might have had something to do with it! You just know they won't be babies for long and within a blink of an eye they are grown-up. THAT is the whole reason for becoming a parent-getting to see that tiny little thing grow and learn from your nurturing and love! That is why being a mommy is the BEST job in the whole world! You are such a great mom cuz you had a great role model.....ME!!!! -----Leslie
What a cutie... and I'm thinking he will have brown eyes (he looks to have your skin tone)!
He's precious! I'm glad he's a good baby!
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