Well, there were mixed emotions from the kids about their first day of school. Ty LOVED it. He couldn't wait to go back to school this morning. He really enjoyed getting to eat lunch at school and he was able to read the note I put in his lunch all by himself. He met some new friends in his class but couldn't remember all their names.
McKinly, on the other hand, did not enjoy school as much. It's just really hard for her because she misses her old school where she knew everyone and now she has to start all over. (It's especially hard because her old school is only a few miles away). I think as time goes by, she'll start meeting new kids and enjoying it a little more. I feel bad for her though because she ended up sitting all by herself at lunch and didn't have anyone to talk to. I know she'll adjust but it's just really hard to hear when one of your kids is unhappy.
We had only a slight problem at the end of the day when BOTH McKinly and Ty lost their lunch boxes. I went back in the school to look for them and found McKinly's but Ty's is still no where to be found. It should show up in a few days so I'm not so worried. I normally would have told them to just look for them the next day, but with McKinly already upset about her day, I thought it would be best not to add anything else to it. Luckily, hers was the one I found.
Here is McKinly before school this morning with Cade. Hopefully, we'll have more positive feedback when she gets home today.

Breaks my heart to hear about McKinly's first day. Tell her to hang in there. She's a great girl, and she won't have any problem making new friends. Remind her that everyone was probably nervous about their new classes, so they sat with people they already knew. She's cooler than all those new people put together...
Wow - special times (tear!) :-)!! I can tell you're excited but I'll bet you'll kind of miss all that excitement!
Keep us posted on the lunch box mystery!
Hope McKinly's rest of the week was better. That is a tough age for any girl. I'm sure another week or so and she will have a new best friend!!
So, did things get better??? I've been thinking about McKinly all week.
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