The test results came back on Cade...
Celiac Disease = Negative
Gluten Sensitivity = Positive
What all that means is we are still going on a gluten free diet. However, if he has a little gluten from time to time, it wont hurt him. He has a reaction to gluten that makes him sick. There are more tests we will have to run, but for now we at least know what we have to do. Since we started this new diet, he has not once told me "tummy hot", which means his stomach hurts. That used to be a phrase we heard numerous times a day.
I have done a lot of research on gluten and the more I read, the more I want to cut back on it. However, my bank account will not allow me to be gluten free as well. Today I went to the health food store to pick Cade up a few things and I spent 30 dollars on two loaves of bread, a box of crackers, a box of cookies, and pancake mix!
Luckily, a few people have been e-mailing me recipes that I have started to try. I just make a bunch at one time and freeze it. Thanks for all the help by the way, and if any of you have more recipes, please send them my way!
We have been testing out a lot of fruits and veggies to see which ones he likes more. We have had quite a few hits and quite a few misses. However, we did learned that just because he might not like eating some of the foods, doesn't mean he doesn't like playing with them...
I just gave him a bowl full of dried beans, a few pans, and a spoon and the little guy was entertained for over an hour. We have done this a few times since and he plays just as long every time. Oh, and he's not the only one who likes playing with the dried beans...

McKinly had just as much fun! Now, I wonder if she would have fun helping me make all the gluten free meals for Cade?? I'll have to test that out this weekend!