Ty has always had a problem about throwing or kicking things in the house. No matter how many times we have gotten him in trouble for doing so, he just can't help himself. He has broken numerous things...a light cover, a picture frame, a lamp, etc. and these are just things at our house. His mom's house has another list of items.
He gets in a lot of trouble when he disobeys us but when we're not looking, he still thinks he can get away with it. This is probably because I'm sure there have been a few times I haven't seen him and he has gotten away with it. I know he thinks I'm this horrible person who is trying to take all the fun out of his life but I have explained to him, over and over again, that there are reasons why I don't let him kick and throw things in the house.
When he breaks things, he has always had to do chores around the house to help pay for the broken item. He has had privileges taken away and on a few occasions been grounded from all enjoyment for days at a time (this one was because of the soccer ball he kicked inside his friends house and knocked down the curtains which resulted to a big hole in the wall...we are still nervous letting him go play over there).
Last night, Ty broke something that might make him think twice about kicking things in the house. He was at his mom's house and he went to kick a ball, he must have been trying to kick it pretty hard but he missed the ball and kicked the carpet. The skin around his toenail ripped all the way back and his toe began to swell. His mom cleaned it up and bandaged it but when she brought him over this morning it was starting to turn more colors than I even knew existed. Cathy and I talked about it and decided I would take him to the doctor just to check things out.
The doctor said we probably should have taken him in last night to get stitches but by this morning it was too late. He took an x-ray and discovered there is a small hairline fracture on the growth plate. He said it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. In the next couple of days, it will probably swell twice the size it is now and there are a list of things he is restricted from doing...we'll see how that goes!!

Ty was great at the doctor, letting him clean it up and take the x-ray (which he thought was pretty cool). After the doctor I went and bought him a new pair of flip flops that would be soft on his feet because the doctor said for the next couple of weeks that's all he can wear.
This is with the bandages on it so you can't see all the pretty colors it's turning

Now, I hope he has realized I do know what I'm talking about. I'm not here to take all the fun out of his life, that's just a perk!! We have rules for a reason. I'm not saying this is going to stop him, but at least he might think twice before he kicks a ball in the house again!!

This is with the bandages on it so you can't see all the pretty colors it's turning

Now, I hope he has realized I do know what I'm talking about. I'm not here to take all the fun out of his life, that's just a perk!! We have rules for a reason. I'm not saying this is going to stop him, but at least he might think twice before he kicks a ball in the house again!!

Hmmm...is it wrong to make him do chores with a broken toe to pay for the doctor bills??
Geez, I'm sorry it took that for the lesson to sink in. Hope it doesn't hurt as bad as it looks.
Surely you don't REALLY think this is gonna sink in enough to stop him!!! I wouldn't count on it!
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