Cody had his much dreaded allergy appointment yesterday. He didn't know there was anything to dread about it but I wasn't looking forward to all the testing they were going to have to do on him. He might be three but he's still a baby and how do you explain to him they are going to have to stick him with a bunch of needles??
We dropped Cade off with my brother around 8 am, took the other kids to school, and then headed for the doctor. I must have done something right because Cody did great. He did everything the doctor told him and even though he had HUGE crocodile tears coming out of his eyes when they poked him with 40 different needles, he never once screamed!
Although he is allergic to numerous things, his breathing issues shouldn't be as big of a problem as they are. So, the doctor sent us downtown to have a CAT scan!
Now, if you think having a doctor put 40 different needles in your child is bad enough, the idea of having your child being put through one of those machines is even scarier. The whole 20 minutes it took me to drive him downtown I kept thinking of how to explain to him what was about to happen. How do you tell him he was going to have to go with complete strangers to have this test done. I couldn't go with him because I'm pregnant and can't be around any of the radiation. To make matters worse, he fell asleep in the car on the way to the hospital! Waking up my child from a deep sleep is NOT an easy task!
When we arrived to the hospital, I carried him all the way up three flights of stairs. (they were working on the elevators). I told him the best way I could what was about to happen. He looked a little worried but as soon as the nurse came out to get him he just looked at me and said, "mommy, I be right back".
What?? Was that MY child??
About 10 minutes later I saw Cody walking down the hall with a smile on his face, a sticker on his shirt, and a big ol' sucker in his mouth. The nurse said he did fantastic. They even had to strap him down, head and all! He never complained and did exactly what he was told!
We drove back to the original doctor's office to find out the results. What they found was one of Cody's nasal cavities is smaller than the other. It's not his allergies that are causing him problems, it's chronic sinus infections because there simply isn't enough room for all that snot. (disgusting, I know) We were given this nose spray that is supposed to help make it bigger and then some sinus wash that I am not looking forward to doing but hey, if it keeps it clean and him sick free then I'm all for it. If this doesn't seem to be working after about 6-12 months then he might require surgery so let's pray it all works out!!
We got done with all the doctor stuff around 2, went and picked up Cade, and headed home for naps! I had to get Cody down because his day wasn't over yet. He had baseball pictures at 5 and a game at 6! Needless to say, we have done NOTHING today!
This is after the doctor! He was ready for a nap!

About 10 minutes later I saw Cody walking down the hall with a smile on his face, a sticker on his shirt, and a big ol' sucker in his mouth. The nurse said he did fantastic. They even had to strap him down, head and all! He never complained and did exactly what he was told!
We drove back to the original doctor's office to find out the results. What they found was one of Cody's nasal cavities is smaller than the other. It's not his allergies that are causing him problems, it's chronic sinus infections because there simply isn't enough room for all that snot. (disgusting, I know) We were given this nose spray that is supposed to help make it bigger and then some sinus wash that I am not looking forward to doing but hey, if it keeps it clean and him sick free then I'm all for it. If this doesn't seem to be working after about 6-12 months then he might require surgery so let's pray it all works out!!
We got done with all the doctor stuff around 2, went and picked up Cade, and headed home for naps! I had to get Cody down because his day wasn't over yet. He had baseball pictures at 5 and a game at 6! Needless to say, we have done NOTHING today!
This is after the doctor! He was ready for a nap!

what a brave little guy!! Hopefully this will fix the problem and he wont require surgery.
What a big boy! It must have been a rough day for you too. Crossing my fingers that the medicine does its job!
Happy Mother's Day!
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