Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 27. However, if you ask my dad, I turned 28!
It was pretty much a normal day around here with the exception of a few surprises.
McKinly and Ty showed up in the morning with a Cheesecake just for me!

And when I say just for me, I mean they ended up eating it for breakfast. It was a special occasion, I don't think the kids eating cheesecake for breakfast is any worse than eating a chocolate sundae poptart. Which they don't get to eat very often, but every once in a while, McKinly slips a box into the shopping cart at the store...the little sneak.
When I got back from picking all the kids up from school, TJ had flowers waiting for me in the kitchen. (he already let me buy a new camera for my birthday a few weeks ago so the flowers were definitely a surprise)

Then we went out to dinner at Old Chicago. The kids all loved getting to go out to eat because we don't do it too often together. However, we have started to compile a list of all the places kids eat free and on what days. I mean, if we're about to have five kids to feed, we might as well know the places that will feed them for free, don't you think?? Fortunately, we have a pretty long list.
Cody, Ty, and McKinly coloring menus
(Ty is getting a haircut this weekend, I promise)

Cade enjoying his lemons. Notice the goldfish are untouched. He can't get enough lemons, weird kid!

When I got back from picking all the kids up from school, TJ had flowers waiting for me in the kitchen. (he already let me buy a new camera for my birthday a few weeks ago so the flowers were definitely a surprise)

Then we went out to dinner at Old Chicago. The kids all loved getting to go out to eat because we don't do it too often together. However, we have started to compile a list of all the places kids eat free and on what days. I mean, if we're about to have five kids to feed, we might as well know the places that will feed them for free, don't you think?? Fortunately, we have a pretty long list.
Cody, Ty, and McKinly coloring menus
(Ty is getting a haircut this weekend, I promise)

Cade enjoying his lemons. Notice the goldfish are untouched. He can't get enough lemons, weird kid!

And that's it, my exciting 27th birthday. I don't think it could have been any better!
Ahhh! Happy Birthday!!!! Totally okay to have dessert for breakfast on your birthday, or whenever you wish. I love the idea of the restaurant list. I did that in TX. Can't do it here b/c well, there just aren't any restaurants that do that. Vacation town. They charge out the wazoo!
I just love birthdays. I'm having one in 11 days. I'll be 34! Boohiss!
Happy birthday to my bestest friend!!
Happy Birthday! I don't know why but I thought you were older... not that you look older, just I guess since you are about to have your 3rd baby and you have 2 step kiddos. Anyway, I hope that didn't come out the wrong way. I'm 28 and sometimes feel to young to have 2 kiddos :)
ps... the cheesecake looks so yummy!
I totally understand the wanting to be done by time your 30... you and I will love having kids young... be able to play and have fun with them as they grow. Most my friends either are just having kids or aren't there quite yet, so its nice to know that we aren't that ahead of the curve sometimes. I would rather still be young when our kids are grown, then not get to see them grown! AMEN!
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