Sunday, January 06, 2008

Risky Business

When we got back from McKinly's piano recital, I put Cody back in underwear. Then I realized he looked like Tom Cruise from Risky Business.

We couldn't find his sunglasses and he took his socks off but it was pretty close to Tom Cruise's popular scene!

This is how he walked around our house the rest of the evening. What can I say, we like that Old Time Rock n Roll.

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Texas Aggie in Florida said...

Oh, that is hillarious! HE DOES!

Pam Roberts said...


Tasha said...

What a cutie! You'll for sure have a handful in the future with him and the ladies!

Lisa said...

I was just about to ask where the sunglasses and socks were! Too cute.

Lisa said...

Thanks for telling me about kiddos being induced. I know people get induced everyday for very valid reasons, but I also know that there are doctors out there just wanting to plan things around their watch. Not that I think my doctor is doing that... I'm just hoping that things happen like they did last time and I wont have to think about it. :)

Anyway, I do appriciate it! My biggest fear is getting induced and then ending up with a c-section! Scary!!