Today was the first day Cade brushed his teeth all by himself. I have brushed his teeth and gums with one of those finger toothbrushes before but he has never used a real toothbrush until now.
I know, you can barely contain the excitement you're feeling because my 11 month old has learned to use a toothbrush. He might only have four teeth at the moment, but he cleans those four teeth like a pro. You'd think he'd been brushing his teeth for years!

Oh, and thank goodness for baby toothpaste. He prefers to eat the toothpaste first, then brush his teeth! I didn't say he was perfect at the whole thing, just that he was a pro.
Now, if only I could get him potty trained, teach him how to fix himself a bottle, and get himself dressed in the mornings, we'd be set! Until then, I'm going to enjoy watching my baby boy remain the baby in the family for the next 7 months because after that, he doesn't get to be the baby anymore! :(