Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I can feel the love...

Most of the time they can't stand being in the same room together.  They fight, scream, pick on each other, etc.  I have always said they do this to get my attention.  When no one is looking, they actually really love one another.

The past few weeks (since Cody's surgery to be exact) they have actually been getting along really well.  For the most part.  Today, for some reason, they actually showed me how much they love each other.

Now this makes up for all the fighting, screaming, picking on each other, etc...

and this is just because he's pretty darn cute...

the boy loves pizza!

Now if it weren't for them, I probably would have lost my mind today.  Anything that could go wrong, went wrong...starting with our car.  More on that later though, I'm off to enjoy my happy boys tonight!


The Adkins Family said...

Hope the car is not too broken. The boys are adorable together! So glad surgery has improved more than your little man's health!

Pam Roberts said...

They're going to be the best of friends!!